Thursday, November 15, 2012

WOMEN... Appointed To Be Fathers of Christ's Gospel (1) + Gospel Truth For Women In Ministry


A man reading this has spiritual discernment and wisdom. Sex makes no difference. --- "In Christ there is no male or female."

Also, young people are often disregarded as being immature. In gospel revelation, age and education make NO difference. In fact, both age and education can be negative factors -- while being young can be a big benefit!

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To our natural, human minds, it seems like a contradiction to refer to women as 'FATHERS of the gospel.' This is because we see things in very limited ways. But women are included in Paul's statement about 'fathers of the gospel' (I Cor 4:15). As the gospel transforms our minds and hearts, we see much more clearly. We see through God's eyes. "He who has eyes to see, let him see."


It is only in religion, which includes most modern-day church structures, that were never envisioned by Jesus and Paul, that a division is made between men and women. THE GOSPEL makes no such distinction. In modern church hierarchy, it is MAN who places man at the top of the religious totem pole.

Yes, there is some division of authority and responsibility, even in the natural, in marriage. It also existed in the natural state of society in the ancient Jewish culture. Here, women had basically no rights, and could even be stoned if they committed adultery, etc. Women were viewed as being a man's property. This condition still exists today in many religions, and many parts of the world.

This is what went on in this country until just 50 years ago, when the women's lib movement began to change. You see, this nation had it all together philosophically: "We are all created equal, with certain inalienable rights. . ." Of course this didn't apply to the native Americans. Nor did it apply to Blacks. Nor did it apply to women. Women couldn't even vote until about 90 years ago.

Jesus and Paul actually gave honor and credibility to women. I will talk about this more in a later message.


There has been strain and strife in relationship since the Garden of Eden. After the fall, we are told that Eve's desire was for relationship with her husband Adam. But his desire was to RULE her (Gen 3:16). Who predicted this predicament? GOD! When one is bent on ruling, and the other is bent on relationship, there is going to be strife, conflict and alienation. Read "Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus."

And like all solution on the face of the earth, only GOD has the solution to this. Solutions aren't found in most church government.

Solutio women's jackets ns are found in relationship with him, not in rules or theologies created by the mind of MAN. In both divine and human associations, the more the rules, the less the relationship.

God says that in Christ, sex doesn't matter (Gal 3:28).


This is not a true statement across the board, but it is more often true than not. I haven't always been a good 'Father of the Gospel,' as Paul calls us. I was an 'Instructor in Christ' (I Cor 4:15). In fact, Paul refers to '10,000' instructors in Christ vs. 'one' father of the gospel. Today, it often seems like this to me too!

Instructors want to RULE. Fathers promote RELATIONSHIP. This is why most women make better 'fathers' than men.

The gospel is born in the heart, not in the head. It changes hearts. It promotes unity and oneness, beginning with God himself. It proclaims acceptance, forgiveness and love — followed by peace, joy and grace. These are things of the heart. These are things dealing with relationship — first in relationship between God and us, and then between us and others.

Instructors impart out of their intellect, and their focus is principles, precepts, rules, systems and formulas.


The gospel totally levels the playing field. It makes us ALL equal, irregardless of sex, age, race, education, or anything else human. You see, the gospel is the testimony of God. It is the revelation of God's thoughts, ways and will — that are far about ours (Isa 55:8-9). But we CAN know God's thoughts, will and ways, because this is what the gospel reveals to us. It should transform our minds (Rom 12:2).

In the gospel, only God — and his thoughts, ways and will matter. Human thoughts and ways are referred to as FOOLISHNESS!

The power of the gospel comes by means of receiving and believing what God reveals to us (Rom 1:16-17). Anyone can receive revelation, if they have ears to hear — or eyes to see. it does not depend on sex, race, age, education, etc. God doesn't care if we're a man or a woman — or if we're 13 or 103.

God looks at our heart, not at our head (I Sam 16:7). God says, "David is a man after my own heart" (Acts 13:22). This is our goal!

God doesn't care if we are a high school drop-out, or if we have a trail of letters after our name. In fact, gospel truth often comes easier to someone who is a high school drop-out than to one with a string of letters. Paul says they are "ever learning, but never able to come into a knowledge of the truth" (II Tim 3:7). This applies to so many in the church who are academic 'Instructors in Christ.' They can't grasp the SIMPLICITY of Christ (II Cor 11:3). Their thoughts are complicated. This was how I functioned for about 15 years. I'm a lawyer who is educated well beyond my intellect. But then Father got hold of my HEART.

This is only the first of what will be many articles. If you miss any of them, go to my Gospel Coach webpage and you will find them as they become available. But I write 'Gospel Tips from The Gospel Coach,' and other types of articles as well.

Let Father minister the truth of what has been said to you. We are all equal, and we are all one — at least in God's sight, and he's the only one who really matters. We have different positions and callings in man's understanding of God's Kingdom, but this doesn't mean the foot is any less than the head. Try walking without one.

Hebrews does say that we are to submit to those who have the 'rule' over us. But who is this? To God, it's not a MAN-appointed position created by a church or denomination. It's a person who is a servant of all (Mark 9:35, 10:44). It's 'a father of the gospel,' who like David, leads you to the heart of God. This person is not one of the '10,000 Instructors In Christ' -- a teacher of theology (MAN'S ideas about God). They are a father of faith in the gospel, -- and women often make the best fathers. "The just shall live by faith."

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