Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Heartburn Foods to Avoid - Get Rid of That Burning Sensation in Your Throat

Indigestion or acid reflux is another word for Heartburn. A major symptom of heartburn is also called Gastro esophageal reflux disease and also could become chronic. When heartburn occurs, you don't care what its called you Check Valve just want it to go away, fast. Knowing Heartburn Foods To Avoid could save a person a lot of painful suffering.
That sharp burning sensation starts in the stomach and works its way up through the esophagus, throat, mouth and even jaw, leaving a sour or bitter taste in the mouth. Some symptoms may be a painful burning sensation in the chest which should not be confused with heart problems. GERD is also a symptom of Heartburn and over the counter medication can be Xiamen Freede Valve a temporary relief, but knowing Heartburn Foods To Avoid would save a person a lot of painful uncomfortable aggravation.
Heartburn occurs when the valve or gate between the esophagus and stomach closes too slowly after swallowing, allowing stomach acid to penetrate up through the esophagus. Learning Heartburn Foods To Avoid would make the stomach less acidic leading to less discomforts like bloating, nausea, belching, passing gas, heartburn, Indigestion. For a more permanent relief some knowledge of a lifestyle change are in order and you can do much to relieve your suffering with this.
Heartburn Foods To Avoid would start first and foremost of smaller amounts of food more often and more slowly. If stress triggers heartburn, rest before meals. Cutback on cucumbers, onions, cabbage and its family, garlic, alcohol, beans, coffee (decaffeinated and regular), tea, spices, dairy products, fatty fried foods, tomato and tomato based foods, colas. You can eliminate any of these and bring them back slowly into your diet to see which food bothers you. If painful symptoms show no marked improvement or recur frequently after meals, possibly vomiting, bloody stools, or even loss of appetite it would be wise to see your doctor.

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